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asthanadurgesh : asthanadurgesh
Beauty doesn't make luv

** Jaqsmu l-blog **

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Ħolqien: 30/03/2010 09:09
Aġġornament: 30/03/2010 09:13
Artikoli 1
Images 1
Żjarat tal-ġimgħa 1116
Żjarat total 667

asthanadurgesh :: asthanadurgesh

Blogs oħra: durgesh_ast ...

United States - durgesh_asthana
Pożizzjoni: 4107/56779 membri

Il-punti huma magħżula mill-eqdem li l-aktar reċenti!

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artikolu: happy filling - 30/03/2010 09:13

happy filling

Beauty doesn't make luv

but luv makes beauty

break everything but

never break the heart

Heart is the music

play it

but never play with it.